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The Dutch king flew in secret for 21 years!

King Willem-Alexander calls flying for the airline his part-time job and 'hobby'.

The Dhaka Times Desk It's no surprise to see the country's monarch in the cockpit of a Royal Dutch Airlines KLM plane in the Netherlands. The reason is that he has been flying that airline for 21 years!

গোপনে ২১ বছর বিমান চালিয়েছিলেন ডাচ রাজা! 1

According to media reports, King Willem-Alexander has called flying the country's subsidized national airline his part-time job and 'hobby'. The Dutch king, who has served as a pilot for more than two decades, that is, for 21 years, has told this secret information to a Dutch newspaper called The Telegraph. He flew for Martinair before flying for KLM Airlines.

In an interview with a Dutch newspaper, the Dutch king said he regularly sat in the co-pilot's chair on short-haul flights to Europe. To avoid the pressure of royal duties, he flew to Europe at least twice a month.

King Willem-Alexander said of his aviation experience, 'The important thing for me is that I have a hobby that requires my full attention. When I sit in the cockpit of an airplane, I only think about the airplane, the passengers and the crew. They have a responsibility. The problems of the state cannot be raised in the sky. Then for some important matter you may be completely detached from royal duties. It's basically one of the funnest aspects of flying for me.'

Dutch King Willem-Alexander revealed another of his secrets, that he is now training to fly a Boeing 737. Soon this king may be seen in the cockpit of Boeing 737!

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