The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Wednesday, 24 May 2017 Christ, 10 Jaishth 1424 Bangabd, 27 Saban 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.
A picture of such a fruit in the morning will definitely put your mind at ease. We all know that fruits are very beneficial for health.
The fruits that are seen in the picture are almost all available in the market in Bangladesh at present. Because they are in season now. And fruits are special needs for our body. However, these are becoming toxic for us due to various pesticides and folinics nowadays. Nowadays, the timing of eating fruits is absolutely unbelievable. We have to feed them and leave them because we don't understand what is good and what is bad. But they are very beneficial for our body. Let us all keep fruits formalin free. Which is very important for us and our future generations.
Photo: Courtesy of
This post was last modified on মে ২১, ২০১৭ 12:09 pm
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