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Divorce world record: a woman received 584 million dollars!

The 61-year-old Russian billionaire earned $1.3 billion by selling shares in a company

The Dhaka Times Desk A British woman won a divorce case and received a total of 584 million dollars. The UK court ordered her husband to pay that amount.

বিবাহবিচ্ছেদের বিশ্ব রেকর্ড: এক নারী পেলেন ৫৮ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার! 1

A millionaire husband of Russia is trapped in this case! At first, various art tricks were used regarding such a huge amount of money, but in the end the court order was in favor of the wife. It is seen as the largest divorce settlement in UK history.

Judge Haddon delivered the verdict against Cave. The verdict said the couple had married in Moscow. They first met in 1989. They got married exactly four years later. The woman is originally from Eastern Europe but went to Moscow to study.

Shortly after the wedding, the couple moved to the UK and settled in Surrey, south of the country. They also have two children. The court has banned the disclosure of the names of both plaintiffs and defendants in divorce cases. That is why the media did not publish their photos.

Note that five years ago, the 61-year-old Russian millionaire earned $1.3 billion by selling a company's shares. A year later, he also bought a luxury flat in London for his children.

The millionaire's wife is now middle-aged. He also got UK citizenship 15 years ago. Recently the two filed for divorce and the woman claimed ownership of her ex-husband's assets. In view of that, the court has given this verdict.

The Russian man, however, told the court that he was rich by descent. But his contribution to this prosperity is more. On the other hand, contrary to that argument, the judge said that his wife also played an equal role in the family's progress. So he also has rights in the property.

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