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On the occasion of Ramadan, the Emirates announced amnesty to 1014 prisoners

Citizens of other countries are also among these prisoners in different prisons of the Emirates

Mohammed Bin Rashid Ruler of Dubai

The Dhaka Times Desk Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, has announced amnesty for more than a thousand prisoners on the occasion of the Holy Ramadan.

রমজান উপলক্ষে ১০১৪ বন্দিকে ক্ষমা ঘোষণা করলো আমিরাত 1

According to media reports, there are citizens of other countries among these prisoners of various prisons in the Emirates.
Dubai Deputy Attorney General Essam Eissa Al Humaidin said the vice president's amnesty announcement would bring joy to the families of the prisoners. Moreover, this amnesty will help the prisoners to return to normal life and resettle in their communities.

Al Humaidin also said, we think this order will have a positive effect on the prisoners. As a result, prisoners are getting a chance to reunite with their families. Also they can start their life afresh.

Dubai's Attorney General Essam Eissa Al Humaidin also said that the public prosecution has already started proceedings to implement Vice President Sheikh Mohammed's orders.

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