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Wedding gown on fire photo session! [video]

The bride has only one desire - and that is that the wedding photo should be very attractive and exceptional

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times many things are done to make the wedding day memorable. One such incident is wedding gown setting on fire and photo session! Watch one such video.

বিয়ের গাউনে আগুন লাগিয়ে ফটো সেশন! [ভিডিও] 1

Camera lens is the first thing these days to capture the memories. But in front of the camera, the same scene appears in front of everyone. And that's a picture of a smiling bride and groom or a couple kissing in front of a packed church. As if it has become completely boring to a Chinese bride. So he thought of an alternative.

The bride has only one desire - and that is that the wedding photo should be very attractive and exceptional. That's why what a woman did may not come to anyone's mind. In the end, a photographer in China set fire to the bride's dress while taking photos of a different style of wedding! This dress was worth 30 thousand US dollars! The adventurous video of taking pictures went viral in the internet world in no time.

In the video, a bride in a white gown is standing by a river in China. Suddenly a member of the photography team set fire to her precious gown on the photographer's orders. And then the gown is on fire. But the bride doesn't care at all.

He is standing in front of the camera and posing in various poses to take pictures. The fire was extinguished with the help of fire extinguishers at the last moment. However, critics did not take such a strange act of photography lightly. They despised such acts.

Watch the video

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