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Now Windows 10 S is coming

টি মূলত উইন্ডোজ ১০ এর মতনই কিন্তু ভিন্ন সংস্করণে বানানো

The Dhaka Times Desk After Windows 10 Home and Pro, Windows 10 S is coming. It is basically the same as Windows 10 but in a different version. There are some new features in this Windows. And it will be the fastest Windows ever.

Since it's not like normal Windows, it won't slow down over time. Windows 10S is discussed in detail:

Microsoft Verified Security

In this Windows you cannot install any software from outside except Microsoft App Store. You cannot run Jemon (.exe) files. And because of this, the security in this Windows will be very good.

Default browser and search engine

You cannot run Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on Windows 10S. You can use Microsoft Edge and the default search engine will be Bing.

Fastest performance

Windows 10S is different from other Windows so it will run very fast.


Windows 10S looks like any other Windows. But some changes have been made to some wallpapers.

You can't just buy Windows 10 S if you want it. If you buy some Microsoft Surface laptops, you will get this Windows. You don't have to buy it separately. But if you don't like this Windows, you can go back to Windows 10 Pro if you want.

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