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1 rupee notes are being printed again in India!

The Ministry of Finance has the power to print only Rs 1 note. Any note above this is printed by the Reserve Bank

The Dhaka Times Desk After 22 years, the Indian government is again introducing 1 rupee notes. In 1994, the country stopped printing 1 rupee notes. But very soon this note is being printed again.

ভারতে আবারও ছাপা হচ্ছে ১ টাকার নোট! 1

According to the media, the country's central finance ministry has decided to print one rupee notes again. The Ministry of Finance has the power to print only Rs 1 note. Any note above this is printed by the Reserve Bank.

Sources from the Ministry of Finance of the country said that the 1 rupee note to be printed will have a new design. It will be printed with the image of the oil rig sea emperor.

It should be noted that the government of India has withdrawn 1, 2 and 5 taka notes due to the high cost of printing notes. But the one rupee note is being released again. The central government has the power to print a maximum of Rs 1,50,000 notes every year. However, keeping in mind the inflation, the Reserve Bank has been opposing the printing of one rupee notes.

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