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How to eliminate dehydration in Ramadan

It is possible to easily eliminate the problem of dehydration during fasting if you follow some things

The Dhaka Times Desk This year's Ramadan temperature is a little higher than normal. As a result, many fasting people suffer from dehydration while fasting. If this dehydration is not controlled, it can lead to various physical problems.

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However, if you follow some things, it is possible to easily eliminate the problem of dehydration during fasting. Some such useful tips are given below:

Avoid caffeinated drinks: If you are fasting, avoid tea and coffee as much as possible. These drinks contain caffeine. Consuming caffeine increases urine output, and the body quickly dehydrates.

Break the fast with fruits and vegetables: Consuming fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of dehydration. So make it a habit to eat more of these types of food during fasting. Along with increasing the water content in the body, the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables will help to keep you fresh.

Do not consume food with extra spices and salt: If you eat a lot of spicy and salty food, the body's demand for water increases. So during this time avoid taking spicy and salty food as much as possible.

Do not drink too much water at once: Do not drink too much water at once after breaking the fast. If a large amount of water is consumed at once, it is quickly excreted from the body through urine. So make it a habit to drink small amounts of water every now and then. For this you can always keep a water bottle with you after breaking the fast.

Avoid sun exposure: During fasting one should not go in the sun unless absolutely necessary. Staying in the sun for a long time can cause dehydration due to sweating in the body.

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