Categories: entertainment

Nobel will be seen in Eid drama 'Pratishdoh'

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular small screen model and actor Adil Hossain Noble. She is already widely known as a successful model in the domestic media. He has acted in the upcoming Eid drama 'Revenge'.

Model and actor Noble has recently completed the drama called 'Pratishod'. In this drama, another popular actress of today Tanya Barshi played the role of his wife.

Nobel said about the play, 'When Eid comes, I try to find some time to work. Although the amount is very less. But I enjoy acting, so I do. This time I did the work of Eid because of my love. Hope everyone likes it.'

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The drama 'Pratishdoh' is directed by Kaushik Shankar Das. Popular TV actress Zakia Bari Mom also acted in the drama 'Pratishod'. The producer said that it will be aired on any private TV channel next Eid-ul-Fitr.

This post was last modified on জুন ১০, ২০১৭ 12:05 am

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