Categories: health talk

Habits that will boost your memory

The Dhaka Times Desk As we age, our memory begins to decline. Even at a young age, many people's memory does not work as well as expected. We suffer from various problems in our daily life due to weak memory.

Not being able to remember the name of a person, the name of a place, or where one has kept an object in time is endless.
Our memory is highly dependent on lifestyle. Following some things in daily life will keep your memory normal. Let us know about some such things:

Eat healthy food: Healthy food has an effect on the brain. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits regularly. Try to avoid foods containing sugar and carbohydrates as much as possible. Antioxidants and other nutrients present in vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, walnuts help in the growth of brain cells.

Exercise regularly: Regular exercise increases the number of nerve cells and speeds up their interactions. During exercise, nerve cells release a type of protein that accelerates the action of certain other chemicals. As a result our brain power increases.

Don't multitask: Many of us try to multitask to stay busy. But working like this puts pressure on the brain and we forget many important things. So whatever you do, try to do it with maximum concentration. You can meditate for a while every day to increase focus.

Get a good night's sleep: Sleep is very important for the brain. Try to get 7-8 hours of good sleep every day. Restful sleep plays an important role in enhancing our memory.

Play “Brain Games”: If you don't do different activities regularly, brain power gradually decreases. So to keep the brain active you can regularly play different types of brain games.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০২০ 4:28 pm

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