The Dhaka Times
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Shakib and Mahmudullah scored double centuries to win Bangladesh

Congratulations to the Bangladesh team from The Dhaka Times

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, Bangladesh got the expected victory of millions of viewers. Shakib and Mahmudullah batting skills Bangladesh won.

সাকিব ও মাহমুদুল্লাহর জোড়া সেঞ্চুরিতে জয় পেলো বাংলাদেশ 1

Shakib and Mahmudullah's double centuries finally gave Bangladesh the desired victory of millions of viewers. Shakib and Mahmudullah batting skills Bangladesh won. Bangladesh beat New Zealand by 5 wickets. Shakib and Mahmudullah are the heroes of the victory.

Congratulations to the Bangladesh team from The Dhaka Times.

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