Galaxy S4 will run at the gesture of the eye!

The Dhaka Times Desk The history of information technology goes one step further. With the rush of new technology, a mobile set called Samson's Galaxy S4 is coming to the market, which will run with the gesture of the eye!

Galaxy S4, the model has been speculated, but Samsung presented the same in front of the visitors at the appointed time. In the United States, the Galaxy S4 appeared on a colorful screen, according to media sources. The phone has the latest version of Android Jelly Bean operating system. Galaxy S4 made its presence known in the ranks of iPhone, HTC One, Lumia 920 and Sony Xperia Z smartphones.

It is known that the marketing of this smartphone will start worldwide in April. And as for the price, the possible price is 40 thousand Indian rupees. However, Samsung has not given any hint about the price and final marketing.

Regarding this smartphone, the head of Samsung Electronics, JK Shin, said that Samsung feels comfortable working in creating life-like products. Just one smartphone can change the landscape of a foreigner's life and its example can be found in the Galaxy S4 model. It is being presented to consumers as a 'life companion'. The Galaxy S4 is the first to enter Asia through the Singapore and Indian markets.

At the moment, the Galaxy S3 model is selling at 28,000 and Note 2 at 34,000 in the Indian market. The potential price of the Galaxy S4 model may be Rs 40,000. Android 4.2 version is the mobile operating and the latest innovation comes in the Tiwiz user interface. Through this special feature, it is possible to do all the necessary tasks with just hand and eye gestures without any touch.
Apart from this, moving video or web page page change can be done very easily with just eyes. Samsung is also presenting it as a smart feature to the consumers. In addition to this, there is dual mode for video transmission. As a result, one can enjoy the convenience of recording video in any focus, front or back.

The Galaxy S4 model features an Exynos 5410 processor. It operates the phone on 8 channels. Speed is 1.8 GHz. 2 GB DDR3 RAM. The main screen is 4.99 inches. Super AMOLED display. Full HD (1920 by 1080 pixels) resolution. An additional 13 megapixel camera. However, the report did not say when the customers in Bangladesh will get the Galaxy S4. Source: Online magazine

This post was last modified on মে ২৭, ২০১৩ 5:47 pm

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