Walton's attractive phone in the country's market!

The Dhaka Times Desk Walton has now brought a powerful battery phone to the country's market. The phone model is 'Primo RM3S'. 4 thousand milliampere li-polymer battery is used in this new phone!

দেশের বাজারে ওয়ালটনের আকর্ষণীয় ফোন! 1দেশের বাজারে ওয়ালটনের আকর্ষণীয় ফোন! 1

Due to the powerful battery, the phone will be charged for a long time even with extensive use. Walton's new phone is available in two different colors - mahogany and gold.

Used in this phone:

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5.2 inch display
The phone has a 1.3 GHz octa-core processor
It uses 3 GB of RAM
There is 32 GB of storage for essential files, which can be expanded up to 128 GB via microSD card.

On the back of this new phone is a 13-megapixel autofocus camera with LED flash. Due to which it is possible to take perfect and clear pictures or videos even in dark or low light. There is an 8-megapixel camera on the front of this smartphone for taking selfies. The dual SIM phone will support 3G and 4G technology.

Connectivity includes:

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth version 4
Micro USB 2
LAN, hotspot
Multimedia features include FM radio with full HD video playback and recording facilities.

The price of Walton's new phone in the domestic market is only 14 thousand 490 taka. 1 year after-sales service is also available.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৩, ২০১৭ 11:25 am

Staff reporter

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