The Dhaka Times Desk Several movies have come in the process of release this Eid. However, doubts have arisen about several of the movies that have come out in the procession of release.
Eid is not much longer, like two weeks of Barojo. But the complexity of the cinema is not over yet. The joint production 'Boss-2' was supposed to release on Eid, but now it is stuck on the decision of the ministry. Meanwhile, the Censor Preview Committee has not yet announced any decision regarding another joint production movie 'Nawab'.
On the other hand, the shooting of the film 'Rangbaaz', which is slated for Eid release, has not yet been completed. The entire film work will be completed when the song scene of the film is shot. Therefore, for the shooting of the song scene, the shooting of the film 'Rongbaaz' took place on the Swiss Plateau Rosa peak last Sunday.
So this time there is a lot of doubt about the Eid pictures. However, these production companies still think that it will be possible to release on Eid. Now let's see, time will tell everything.