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Apple has unveiled the smart speaker 'HomePod'

This tall and oval 7 inch smart speaker will be able to be controlled with the help of virtual assistant Siri

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple unveiled their new device 'HomePod' at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) at the San Jose Convention Center in California. This smart speaker can also be operated remotely.

স্মার্ট স্পিকার ‘হোমপড’ উন্মুক্ত করেছে অ্যাপল 1

Apple CEO Tim Cook claims it will respond like the iPod. He thinks that Apple will respond with their new device 'HomePod'.

This tall and oval 7 inch smart speaker will be able to be controlled with the help of virtual assistant Siri. It has multiple powerful microphones. That's why this smart device can easily understand voice commands while playing music!

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that music lovers will get better sound quality through this new speaker. That said, Apple's Music app can be controlled with the speaker. Not only that, all the songs in Apple Music can be heard with the help of HomePod!

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