Categories: sport

Bangladesh is fighting against India today

The Dhaka Times Desk The Damal boys of Bengal are taking on India today (Thursday) in the second semi-final of the ICC Champions Trophy.

Since reaching the semi-finals, Rob has been rumored to be in the finals. Therefore, Bengal Tigers will fulfill the expectations of millions of visitors of the country. However, a strong team in the cricket world is waiting for Bangladesh today. Still, the expectation of Tiger fans is that when Bangladesh has come this far, it will surely go to the final. But time will tell what will happen.

Meanwhile, due to the death of Chittagong's terrible landslide, the Bangladesh team will wear black badges and the Tigers will enter the black field against India today. Today (Thursday) this match will start at 3:30 Bangladesh time in Edgbaston.

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It is known that yesterday (Wednesday) the Tigers expressed grief over the death of the mountain landslide. Most of the cricketers took to social media Facebook to express their condolences and pray for the souls of the victims.

In a post on his verified Facebook page, Bangladesh team captain Mashrafe wrote, 'Due to hill cutting and unplanned residential houses, almost every year we have to hear the news of casualties due to landslides at this time. I wish peace to the souls of all those killed in the landslide.'

Mashrafe also wrote, 'I wish the souls of the brave members of the army who lost their lives in the rescue work. Not everyone can give life for the country, but you can.'

This post was last modified on জুন ১৫, ২০১৭ 11:45 am

Staff reporter

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