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The farmer buried the 'faithful' truck

He did not sell the truck after it became useless

The Dhaka Times Desk The practice of burying a person's body for cremation is very old. But this time the practice was applied to trucks. A farmer in Uruguay recently buried his 48-year-old truck.

The general rule is to sell the truck or any equipment when it is old. But Alcides Ravel, a farmer, did not. His truck had been lying idle for the past four years. The mechanics had informed long ago that it was no longer possible to fix it.

Even then Ravel did not sell the truck. He kept the truck carefully under a shed on his farm. Finally, he buried the truck in his land as a "tribute" to its almost 5 decades of continuous service. He bought the Ford F-350 truck in 1969.

Ravel said, “I was able to buy land and raise my children because of this truck. It's a big part of my life."

He also said that over the years he has exchanged various goods between Melo and Montevideo. At one time the road between these two cities was made of stone and it took 12 hours to travel from one city to another. The truck was his only companion then.

The truck was not only used by Ravel as a vehicle. He used to fall asleep in this truck if he was outside for a long time. Despite many adversities Ravel has always been able to rely on the truck.

The news of the truck burial caused a stir on Facebook after it was published in a local newspaper.


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