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6 tips to get noticed by the boss

Your career advancement depends a lot on this

The Dhaka Times Desk If you have any professional life experience then you know very well the importance of having a good relationship with your boss. Your career advancement depends a lot on this.

In work life, we all want to be in the good eye of the boss. But it does not become feasible for everyone. But if you can follow some things then it will not be very difficult for you to be in the good eye of the boss. Know some simple tricks to get noticed by the boss-

Work on time

The easiest way to get noticed by the boss is to finish your work on time. No matter how good you are, you will never get the boss's appreciation if you are not on time. If you think something will take longer, let your boss know in advance.

Admit your failure

There is nothing negative about admitting your limitations or failings to your boss. So if you fail, tell the boss clearly. This will prove your honesty to him.

Express yourself

Show loyalty to the boss and don't accept everything he says. If something doesn't make sense to you, try to explain it politely. If your words are acceptable, the boss will understand that you care about his organization.

Gain knowledge about your work

Always try to learn new information about the profession you are engaged in. This will increase your knowledge and your boss will understand that you are focused on improving your skills.

Advise the organization to reduce costs

If you feel that your organization is spending unnecessarily, inform your boss about it. No boss wants his organization to overspend. They are happy to get advice from the employees in this regard.

Do not criticize colleagues

Don't criticize a colleague unless absolutely necessary in front of the boss. This may create negative impression about you. If you have a complaint against a co-worker, it is best to talk it out with him or her.

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