The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia has called for all Qatari camels and sheep to be removed from Saudi Arabia's grazing lands. Saudi Arabia is the latest to take such a step at the height of the intense tension between the two countries.
According to BBC news, 15,000 camels and 10,000 sheep have already crossed the border and returned to Qatar. Qatar also opened an emergency shelter for returning camels and sheep. Water and fodder are provided there. As Qatar is a small country, many Qataris used to take their camels and sheep to different pastures in Saudi Arabia.
Several Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, severed ties with Qatar earlier this month. They took this step after accusing Qatar of supporting Islamic militancy. Qatar, however, has always rejected this allegation.
Qatar's Ministry of Municipalities and Environment said the returning camels and herds of sheep will be kept in temporary shelters until they can find new places. A Qatari official said that so far about 25 thousand camels and sheep have been sent back from Saudi Arabia.
A recent video posted on social media shows herds of sheep and camels crossing the border into Qatar. Qatari herdsmen have expressed their anger at this move by Saudi Arabia. Ali Magareh said, 'We never want to be associated with such politics. We are not happy about it at all.'
This post was last modified on জুন ২১, ২০১৭ 11:44 pm
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