Categories: health talk

I want a healthy body and a peaceful mind

The Dhaka Times Desk Health is the root of all happiness. Even if you have wealth, if you are sick, always surrounded by tension, panic, fear, anxiety - then all this is meaningless. So, 'I want a healthy body and a peaceful mind.'

The question may come how to keep a healthy body and a calm mind. And besides, now the question is why we get sick? In this context, the world's famous medical scientist Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Herbert Benson, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Larry Dossey, Dr. John Robbins said - most of the diseases of modern man are psychosomatic or psychosomatic.

Professor Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of Harvard's Mind Body Medical Institute, has long researched the healing powers of meditation. He believes that 60-90% of the reasons people go to the doctor are due to stress and other stressors that cannot be treated with drugs or surgery. In fact, lack of happiness is a disease. If there is a lack of happiness in the mind, it affects the body. Accumulation of suffering, anger, depression, grief in the mind manifests as illness in different parts of the body. It is the cause of most chronic diseases including headaches, migraines, back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma. If we can keep our mind calm, be cheerful, live with joy and peace then it is possible to be healthy.

But we rarely get angry in daily life. We cannot spend a single day without anxiety and worry. If you think about yourself, you will understand that fear, depression and harassment are our constant companions. Constantly these pains keep getting tangled in our mind. The result is illness. This is how many diseases are born. It is possible to get rid of these diseases on your own initiative. Human body is the best pharmacy and mind is the best doctor.

How to calm the mind? Meditation relaxes the body, calms the mind, normalizes heart rate and blood pressure, relieves anxiety, depression, depression, and brings peace and tranquility to the mind and body.

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Quantum is the pioneer of meditation practice in Bangladesh. There is no telling how many different and chronic ailments can be cured by meditation. So take your first step towards a healthy life. Meditate and say to yourself a hundred times a day:

A healthy body is a peaceful mind
Busy Happy Life'.

See how happy and peaceful life is.

# Dr. Nizam Uddin Ahmed
Professor, Center for Palliative Care, Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University

Courtesy: Daily Yugantar.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০২২ 12:36 pm

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