Categories: Picturesque

The story of a ruler of Odisha who became a beggar!

The Dhaka Times Desk Some become kings from beggars, some become beggars from kings. This is probably the way of the world. As happened to a ruler of Odisha, India. He became a beggar from the king!

রাজা থেকে ভিখারি হওয়া ওড়িশার এক শাসকের গল্প! 1রাজা থেকে ভিখারি হওয়া ওড়িশার এক শাসকের গল্প! 1

At one time there were 25 cars. 30 male and female servants were always engaged in the service of the king. In his last life, he had to live with the kindness of the villagers! The unfortunate king of Odisha died a year and a half ago. Whose first life was spent in endless pleasures and luxury. The only hope in his last life was the rice dal given by the villagers!

The name of that king of India is Brajraj Kshatriya Birbar Chamupati Singh Mahapatra. He was born in 1921. In Tigiri, the British-Indian state of Odisha. During the transition from Kalinga to Orissa, 26 princely states survived. The smallest of them is Tigiriya. A news about this has been published in the Telegraph newspaper.

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According to historical sources, a branch of the Soma rulers of Rajasthan came to Odisha in 1245 AD. The Tung Dynasty was founded. First, these kings became the vassals of the king of Puri, then the rulers of Tigira State.

King Brajraj was born in that clan. He was the last ruler of Tigiri before the end of the monarchy in India. 30 servants were waiting in his service. 25 luxury cars were standing.

It is known that he was married to Rasmanjari Devi, the princess of Shonpur. But once his wife, 6 children cut him off from their lives one by one. After breaking up his marriage, Rasmanjari entered politics and became an MLA. And since then Brajraj sank into abject poverty.

After independence his trust was an annual allowance. Who once killed 13 tigers and 28 leopards effortlessly. The smelly hands of that gunpowder had to be used in the government court; For a little money. He used to get less than 1000 taka per month.

He sold the palace in 1960 due to lack of funds. Then his wife also left with the children. His government allowance was stopped in 1975.

Since then he lived with the kindness of the villagers. Asbestos lived in mud houses. Rice and dal offered by the subjects of the past were seen on the front plate. Mitto is a short story of a king once upon a time.

His last lives were spent in extreme financial hardship and illness. In November 2015, Brajraj, who became a fakir, passed away.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৪, ২০১৮ 9:46 pm

Staff reporter

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