The Dhaka Times
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Eid Holiday Tours: Modernity or Decay of Family Bonds?

Many people choose Eid time to travel

The Dhaka Times Desk Our Eid celebration customs are changing with time. Once upon a time spending time with family and acquaintances was a special part of our Eid celebrations. But now many people choose to travel during the Eid holiday instead.

When we think of the Eid holiday, what do we plan for today? If you are a city dweller, you might think of taking a tour somewhere at least once. There is nothing unusual about this. Is it time to go out with the family due to professional pressure all year round or where?

The middle class choose different places of the country to tour. Many others migrated to the neighboring country of India. The upper classes usually go to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and various countries in Europe and America.

There are many who may not even think about going home on Eid. Many people may go out on tour after spending two-one days at home. Is the reason behind our tendency to go out without spending time with family, just lack of time? There are many factors to consider in finding the answer.

Let us recall the Eid celebrations of yesteryear. It was a kind of unwritten rule that all the family should meet on Eid. Family members from far and wide used to meet at the village house during Eid and spent several days together. A fair was held on the occasion of Eid. Everyone appeared there with the younger members of the family. Everyone was happy to meet the acquaintances after a long day.

At present, it cannot be said that this custom has completely disappeared. But it is also true that many people do not go home anymore. Basically the word is more applicable for city dwellers. Many people who live in cities go on holiday without returning to their villages or visiting their relatives. A major reason for this is the lack of family ties. There is no denying the fact that our family bonds have diminished to a great extent due to over-busyness, technology dependence and self-centered lifestyle.

If you think of someone in the family, now we are not done with just two words in chatting. Even if we have a mobile phone, we cannot talk to our relatives. Celebrating the Eid holiday is not much of an exception. The spiritual pull that makes us want to return to our family and relatives has now subsided. As a result, it has become normal to travel during the Eid holidays.

The changes in the socio-economic context of Bangladesh in the last few decades have affected our way of life. People who leave the village and come to the city in search of livelihood naturally create a kind of distance between their relatives. Apart from this, extended families have become smaller families. As a result of this, family ties are no longer intact in all cases.

So the question may arise - what to do? Just as it is necessary to meet family members on Eid, it is necessary to visit somewhere for emotional satisfaction. Family ties must be prioritized first. So spend time with family members on Eid, even if it is for a short time. If there is a strong desire to go for a trip, after Eid, all the relatives can try to go somewhere together. The key solution is your desire and concerted effort to maintain family ties.

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