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Today there is a plastic bottle castle story

This strange palace is built on Isla Colón, the main island of Panama's Bocas del Toro state

The Dhaka Times Desk Plastic waste is a major cause of environmental pollution. It is more harmful to the ocean. A Canadian man has taken a different initiative to reduce this damage. He made a castle out of plastic bottles!

আজ রয়েছে এক প্লাস্টিকের বোতলের দুর্গ কাহিনী 1

It is known that this strange palace was built on Isla Colón, the main island of Panama's Bocas del Toro state. This palatial house is made of about 40,000 old bottles.

Paintings at the entrance and inside the palace show how the world's oceans are becoming victims of plastic pollution.

According to the research group 'Future Ocean', only a small amount of the 300 million tons of plastic waste is processed and recycled each year. Much of the untreated waste ends up in sea water, from 4.8 million tons in 2010 to 1.27 million tons!

9 years ago, Canadian Robert Bejeau came to Bocas del Toro with plans to retire. However, the island authorities started a study on how much waste is produced there. Participating as a volunteer, he expressed himself as an anti-plastic pollution campaigner.

He said, "If 7.3 billion people in the world drink one bottle every day, then 26,600 billion bottles will be wasted every year."

Annually, thousands of tourists from the United States and Canada come to spend their holidays in this archipelago. Apart from the excellent bars and restaurants, these islands have natural beauty such as mangrove forests, choppy seas and beautiful beaches. However, the flow of tourists creates a lot of waste, which ends up in the sea, because they do not have adequate waste management capacity at all.

This small island of 62 square kilometers collects about 1.5 million empty bottles every year. Robert collects them for his construction projects. He can only use normal drinking bottles. This is because other bottles contain flammable material.

First, he placed the plastic bottles one on top of the other in the iron cage. Then make walls by coating them with cement. Each wall holds 300 half liter or 120 and a half liter bottles. Not only medieval style triangular windows can be made in this way. This is how he made a palace with plastic bottles!

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