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A strange competition to throw eggs!

Those who love to throw eggs, they can go to Lancashire in Britain!

The Dhaka Times Desk You've probably never seen an egg-throwing contest quite like this one. Now you will see a competition whose specialty is breaking eggs!

ডিম ছুঁড়ে মারার এক অদ্ভুত প্রতিযোগিতা! 1

Only those who love to throw eggs can go to this competition, they can go to Lancashire, Britain. A strange competition was organized there. There is a competition to see who can throw the egg farthest. In addition, if someone dislikes him, he can be met by throwing eggs! Two young people from New Zealand became the best in this competition by throwing 81 meters of eggs.

Throwing eggs is just a means of anger? A visit to Lancashire in Britain will really change your perception. Throwing eggs here is seen as entertainment. But the work is also quite difficult. Also challenging. There are different rules of the game. It is seen who can throw the egg farthest. An organization called World Egg Throwing Federation has been running this fun game for the past 12 years. Nick Hornstein and Robbie Hollander, two young people from New Zealand, became the best in this competition. They became the first to throw an egg 81 meters.

It is known that throwing the egg further has more fun. A person is made to stand in a place. Then throw the egg at that person from a certain distance. Whoever manages to throw the egg into the mouth correctly is declared the champion. Citizens of various countries including Germany, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand have participated in that competition in this year's competition.

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