The Dhaka Times
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Bomb attack on Foreign Minister Dipu Moni's residence

The Dhaka Times Desk Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni's house was bombed. Three bombs were hurled at his home early this morning and all three exploded.

dipu moni

According to Bangladesh News24 news, the bombs hit the wall of his house and exploded with a loud sound, but no one was injured. But the bombs are not that powerful. The attack took place at 37 Iskaton residence in the capital at around 5:30 am on Tuesday.

Maruf Hasan, Deputy Commissioner of Police Ramna Zone, said that at around 5:30 in the morning, unknown assailants threw three bombs from the road and fled. They fell into the boundary wall and exploded, but there were no casualties or damage. He said that efforts are being made to find those involved in the incident.

It may be noted that Foreign Minister Dipu Moni left Dhaka in the morning for Brussels on his official visit. Deepu Moni's official residence was home to her husband, the famous flutist Taufiq Newaz, and other employees.

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