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Lies will be caught through the use of the mouse!

By looking at the way the mouse rotates, it can be understood whether someone is telling the truth or lying in response to a question on the computer

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers are working on a new method to catch liars. Researchers have said that a liar can be identified by looking at the way the mouse is used on the computer!

মিথ্যুক ধরা পড়বে মাউস ব্যবহারের মাধ্যমে! 1

The researchers said that by looking at the way the mouse moves, it can be understood whether someone is lying or telling the truth in response to a question asked on the computer.

According to a CNN report, a group of researchers from Italy's Pavoda University used artificial intelligence in this study of truth-false verification. Which will especially help in identifying fake reviews and fake insurance online in the future.

Some sample answers are given in algorithm system during research. On the basis of that sample, the computer can basically do the truth-false verification by understanding the pattern of mouse movement.

For this study 60 students were asked to answer some questions on a computer. Any student is asked to remain anonymous while answering.

It can be seen there, those who gave correct information about themselves, moved the mouse and clicked directly on the answer. And those who were asked to give false information about themselves took longer before moving the mouse. He also gave the answer in a twisted way.

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