The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays live programs or news broadcasts are daily occurrences. In one such event, a Pakistani female journalist died while delivering live news.
The woman journalist once made headlines for reporting the news. The incident happened in Pakistan.
Last Wednesday, a female journalist of a Pakistani TV channel was delivering news directly in front of the camera on a crane. At this time he was standing at a height of about 30 feet. He collapsed while speaking during the live event.
The journalist's name is Erza Khan. Irza was doing live news during a rally of Tehreek-e-Insaf party in Lahore. Suddenly his words are interrupted and the boom falls from his hand. Then he turned his head and fell down.
However, the people standing below immediately caught him. Later, the female journalist was taken to the hospital. But he died before being taken to the hospital.
It is known that the female journalist Irza has passed away due to cardiac arrest. Meanwhile, the live video recorded at the time of his death has gone viral.
Watch the video
This post was last modified on জুলাই ২, ২০১৭ 10:27 pm
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