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The remains of a bird from 100 million years ago have been recovered

This species of bird became extinct about 66 million years ago

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, a Burmese crystal fragment found the remains of a bird about 100 million years old. The researchers described this as a very important discovery.

Parts of the bird's head, neck, legs and tail were found in the crystal. The bird is believed to have been only two days old when it was trapped in the crystal.

The flesh of the bird's body is completely converted to carbon. As a result, there is no way to collect DNA from it for research. However, scientists will make a 3D model based on the remains of the bird in the future.

Researchers said the bird belongs to the genus Enantiornithines. This species of bird disappeared from the earth about 66 million years ago. Note that dinosaurs disappeared from the earth around the same time.

Although this species has many similarities with modern birds, there are also some differences, such as the absence of beaks. It is believed that this bird roamed all the continents of the world except Antarctica.


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