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5 Effective Strategies for Avoiding Arguments

We usually lose control of ourselves during arguments

The Dhaka Times Desk Differences in likes may sometimes lead to arguments with acquaintances. But since unnecessary arguments never bring any benefit, you need to know how to avoid arguments by any means.

We usually lose control of ourselves during an argument, and this escalates the argument. But there are a few things that you know will not be too difficult for you to avoid arguments. Some such points are mentioned below.

Avoid the tendency to answer questions

During an argument, your opponent usually tries to throw out one question after another. Basically answering these questions is where you end up in an argument. So keep calm without answering such questions. You need to understand that the opponent is not asking you for an answer, rather he is trying to provoke you.

Stay away from opponents

Never rush towards an opponent in a fit of excitement. This is likely to escalate the argument. Try to stay away from him as much as possible.

Try to speak naturally

No matter how angry the opponent is, you try to talk to him naturally. You say, not argumentatively, but naturally you're interested in talking to him. Surely he has misunderstood somewhere, make him aware of this.

Get help from a third person

You can take the help of a third party if necessary to calm the situation. The presence of a third person often forces the opponent to stop. Moreover, the proof that you are not arguing at all, but that everything is adversarial, remains with the third person.


If there is no way to calm the opponent, it is better to leave the place quickly. Because listening to him you are bound to get excited at some point. As a result, the situation will worsen.

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