The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us remember Robocop on BTV. Alex Morphy, the police officer who died in the attack of miscreants, had only a biological brain, the rest of his body was mechanical, i.e. robotic. That RoboCop can be seen in real life!
People have been trying to build the perfect RoboCop for a long time. In continuation of that, real RoboCop or police robot will be seen on the streets of India.
According to a report by DNA India, an Indian company called H-Bots Robotics Private Limited has already started the process of manufacturing police robots. After the development of the new robot police, the robot police will be deployed on a trial basis at the Jubilee Hills check post in the country.
Kishan, founder of H-Bots Robotics Pvt Ltd, said in a statement that the robot has been designed in such a way that it can walk, recognize people, receive complaints, and defuse explosives. In an event, the design of the robot was unveiled by Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, IT Secretary of Telangana State.
He said, 'This will be the second humanoid robot in the world after Dubai. Dubai's robot was built by France. But in this case, this humanoid robot is going to be built entirely with Indian technology. A prototype of the robot will be made by September this year. We will be conducting various tests with the prototype for two months before handing over the robot at the Jubilee Hills check post next December.'
About the robot, Kishan also said, Our robot will be made exactly like the robot in Dubai. Can move with the help of wheels, can walk, can recognize people, can take complaints, can even defuse explosives.
Kishan also said, 'We have the capacity to make at least 10 robots each. You can use this type of robot as a personal security guard or you can use this type of robot to protect a large hotel-restaurant, hospital, office. We can make 10 robots in a year and release them in the market. Each robot is planned to be released in the market at a price of 3 lakh rupees.
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৩, ২০১৮ 10:42 pm
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