Categories: general

Morning-evening strike of 18 groups is going on

The Dhaka Times Desk Nationwide morning-evening hartal called by 18 parties led by BNP is going on. This hartal has been called in protest against the issuance of arrest warrant against BNP Senior Vice Chairman Tariq Rahman. The strike is going on peacefully except for some minor incidents.

Members of police, RAB and intelligence agencies have taken a cautious position to maintain law and order in important places of the capital. Although the capital's markets were closed during the strike, some shops were seen to be open. BRTC buses, minibuses, CNG were seen plying on the road. But there are many rickshaws on the road. Fewer vehicles are on the road than usual. Chhatra Dal, Chhatra Shibir and Youth Dal marched at various places including Mirpur, Kazipara, Sheora Para, Farmgate, Shahbagh, Jatrabari and Mohakhali.

In support of the hartal, the Jamaat took out a jhtica procession in the capital's Azimpur. Two cocktails were fired in quick succession from the procession. The procession started from Azimpur Battala junction at 5:20 am and while passing by the Sapara Mosque, the marchers left by bursting two cocktails in succession.

On the other hand, when the Jamaat took out a sudden procession at Mirhajaribagh under Shyampur police station of the capital around 5:30 am, the police dispersed them by firing rubber bullets. The police arrested 4 people.

A procession was held outside the capital in Narayanganj. There was a clash with the police. At least 10 people were reported injured.

This post was last modified on মে ২৯, ২০১৩ 11:04 am

Staff reporter

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