Categories: health talk

Do you know about conjunctivitis?

The Dhaka Times Desk Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease. Many of us suffer from it at times. Being aware of the disease makes it much easier to prevent and treat it.

What is conjunctivitis?

Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye is commonly called conjunctivitis. The layer of clear tissue above the white of the eye is the conjunctiva. Inflammation of the conjunctiva can occur due to various reasons. Usually, this inflammation can be caused due to viral and bacterial infections. Apart from this problem can also be caused due to allergy in many cases. Shampoo, dust and smoke can also cause conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

  • Red eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • itchy eyes
  • eye irritation
  • Blurred vision
  • White or green discharge from the eyes
  • Increased sensitivity of the eyes to light


Treatment options

If some of the above-mentioned symptoms occur for a long time, you must follow the doctor's advice properly for treatment. But to reduce the problem of conjunctivitis you can follow the following points.

  • Keep eyes free from dust.
  • Do not use makeup.
  • If using contact lenses, keep them open.

This post was last modified on June 12, 2023 11:43 am

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