Categories: Picturesque

A person who has been in the profession of decorating idols for 32 years

The Dhaka Times Desk Suppose you are told to stand like a statue for hours without moving or batting an eyelid. Seems impossible? However, India's Abdul Aziz has been doing such work as a profession for 32 years.

Abdul Aziz's profession is very strange. He had to stand guard in front of the VGP Golden Beach Resort in Chennai for 6 hours without moving. He didn't even blink. While he was standing, the visitors again came and tried to tease him. But still he stands firm.

Abdul Aziz said that initially when his boss asked him to do this job, he was not very interested. But fearing losing his job, he agreed to do the job. Since then, for 32 consecutive years, he has been successfully decorating idols. For this extraordinary skill he has been recognized as the idol of India.


This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২, ২০১৮ 9:39 pm

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