Dell brought a wireless charging laptop!

The Dhaka Times Desk Dell, one of the world's laptop manufacturers, has brought the world's first wireless charging laptop to the market! This 'Dell Latitude 7285' laptop has a wireless charging keyboard and charging mat.

Dell announced the creation of this wireless charging laptop at the CES fair held last January. After 6 months of announcement they brought this laptop in the market.

Dell has already started marketing this laptop in the United States. The first wireless charging laptop is priced at $1,199. However, the company has not included the price of wireless charging keyboard and charging mat. These two will cost customers $379.99 and $199.99 respectively.

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Reportedly, both the keyboard and the tablet have separate batteries. Basically the keyboard will act as a wireless charger for the tablet. There is no option to charge the laptop separately. As soon as the laptop is connected to the keyboard, the charging mat will first charge the laptop and then the keyboard.

It is known that the 2-in-1 laptop named 'Dell Latitude 7285' also has a 12-inch display with a resolution of 2880 by 1920 pixels. There is also 8GB/16GB of RAM. This laptop is powered by Intel's Kaby Lake processor. The laptop has 512 GB storage facility and also has the facility to add microSD card for additional storage. The laptop also comes with an IR camera that supports 'Windows Hello'.

This laptop is capable of providing up to 6 hours of battery backup while in tablet mode. On the other hand, if the keyboard is connected to the base, it can provide up to 9 hours of battery backup - this is what Dell authorities have claimed.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৪, ২০১৭ 9:52 am

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