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Japanese device will report body odor!

The manufacturer of the device is Konica Minolta

The Dhaka Times Desk Suppose you have a device that constantly alerts you about body odor. Although it seems somewhat unbelievable, such a device has been made in Japan.

Called the Kunkun Body, this device is capable of alerting you to three types of odors. Kunkun Body, which looks like a tape recorder, connects via Bluetooth to a smart phone app, which will alert you of body odor.

The manufacturer of the device is Konica Minolta. Daisuke Koda, head of the Kunkun body manufacturing team, said he came up with the idea for the device two years ago after talking with some of his male colleagues.

The price of the device is 265 dollars. However, Japan is not the first such device. Earlier, Sony has also prepared a similar device.


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