The Dhaka Times
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Trial of war criminals Judgment will be effective in July-August: Hasanul Haque Inu

The Dhaka Times Desk Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu said that the sentence of war criminals under trial will be executed in July-August.

Hasanul Hoq Enu

He said this while speaking as the chief guest at a discussion meeting organized by the Jasad office in the Jasad office on Wednesday afternoon on the demand of banning Jamaat-Shibir and speedy implementation of war criminals' verdicts. Khabar Bangladesh

The information minister also said, "No matter how much Khaleda Zia plots against the trial of war criminals and the execution of their verdict, it will not be of any use." If the court upholds the maximum sentence of the war criminals at the end of the legal process in June, the sentence will be executed in July-August."

He said, "The time has come to ban Jamaat-Shibir." Hope the government will be firm about implementing the verdict. The poison of Jamaat will be broken through the execution of the verdict.”
Inu said, "Bangladesh will either have war criminals, or the liberation war will have the strength of its side." One by one, the Jamaat rioters must be thrown in jail."

Jasdar General Secretary Sharif Nurul Ambia, Jasdar Joint Secretary Nazmul Haque Pradhan also spoke under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Jasdar Mir Aktar Hossain.

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