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Some unknown facts about Roger Federer

১৪ বছর পর্যন্ত ফেদেরার নিরামিষ খেতেন

The Dhaka Times Desk Roger Federer has taken himself to a unique height by winning the 8th Wimbledon. Here are some facts about Federer, one of the greatest tennis players of all time.

  • Federer's father is Swiss but his mother is originally from South Africa.
  • Federer excelled in sports from an early age. Besides tennis, he used to play badminton, basketball, football.
  • He had to drop out of school at the age of 16 to pursue a career in tennis.
  • He came into the limelight in 2001 after defeating Pete Sampras at Wimbledon.
  • Federer was a vegetarian until the age of 14. Then he started eating fish and meat.
  • Federer's net worth is $320 million. He is one of the richest sportsmen of all time.
  • Federer's favorite tennis players are Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg.
  • He is a good piano player.
  • Fedebar is the father of two twin girls and two twin boys.
  • He became the first tennis player to earn $8 million in a year.
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