Categories: Picturesque

Have you ever read the news wearing a veil?

The Dhaka Times Desk If you can be asked, have you ever seen reading the news wearing a veil? Maybe answer, no. But such an event really happened in a TV channel in India!

The sight of reading the news while covering the TV screen is truly unprecedented. The female news reader covered her face in the veil! And in that situation he is reading the news! Why did he do this?

Recently this strange scene was seen on STV Haryana news channel. Such a scene on the TV screen is an unprecedented event. The female news reader covered her face in the veil! But why did he do this?

All India news media sources said that the newsreader named Pratima Dutta suddenly appeared on the screen with a veil covering her face. He himself has identified the mystery of such behavior. She said that she covered her face with a veil to protest against the Haryana government's decision to cover women's faces. This is a protest against that decision.

Pratima told the media that the state government wants to force everyone to wear the veil. The state government's journal describes the veil as the identity of the state. There is no justification for forcing anything on everyone.

A picture of a veiled woman was printed in the Krishi Sanbad Crore Patra of the Haryana Sangam newspaper of the Haryana state government. Her caption reads the veil as the 'identity of the state'.

According to that newsreader Pratima, on the one hand, BJP is running 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao' campaign, but they want to cover the face of the women of the state with a veil! It is to protest against such behavior that one has to read the news wearing a veil. Fancy protest!

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২, ২০১৮ 8:13 pm

Staff reporter

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