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For the first time, the child's 'hand transplant' operation was successful

After the operation the child is now able to do some normal activities with his hands

The Dhaka Times Desk A child named Zion Harvey has been successfully transplanted with two hands in the United States. After this operation in 2015, the child is now able to do some normal activities with his hands. This is the first such success in the world.

In 2015, 2-year-old Harvey had to have an arm and leg transplant due to damage from a sepsis infection. Even his kidney had to be transplanted. The hand transplant operation took more than 10 hours.

18 months after the operation, Harvey is now able to do some work with his hands. Doctors said his hand skills are gradually improving due to ongoing therapy and psychological treatment.

Previously, Harvey was unable to perform tasks such as eating, washing and dressing properly with his hands. In 2015, a dead child's hand was attached to his body.


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