The Dhaka Times
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Know the story of 'Hyena Man'

Wild hyenas have been domesticated in the region for a long time

The Dhaka Times Desk Hyena! An animal whose name makes the body shiver. But there are some people in Zaire, Ethiopia, who are afraid of hyenas and stay away, with great care, and feed them every day.

Wild hyenas have been domesticated in the region for a long time. And those involved in this work are called 'Hyena Man'. These very brave hyena men feed the hyena group without fail. Surprisingly, these hyenas, although normally aggressive, do not attack hyena men.

There is, however, a purpose behind rearing hyenas in this way. The people of this region believe that hyenas come and eat various garbage to keep their area clean.

Abbas Yusuf is one such hyena man. He said that he learned this job from his father. Even though he has been with hyenas for a long time, no hyena has ever harmed him.


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