The Dhaka Times
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Closing 'Microsoft Paint'!

It was first integrated into Windows in 1985

The Dhaka Times Desk If you are a long-time Windows user, you must have used Microsoft Paint many times. However, this popular software may no longer exist in the future.

Microsoft has decided to put Paint in the 'deprecated' category in the new version of Windows. This means that Microsoft is not doing anything new to develop the software and it may be completely removed in the future.

It was first integrated into Windows in 1985. Every version of Windows since then has had Paint. Microsoft has decided not to keep it in the future due to the fact that such advanced software is currently available.

But those who have been familiar with the paint for a long time are not able to accept the fact. While Paint isn't particularly useful at the moment, many people don't want to see it disappear from Windows. Because there is a kind of nostalgia associated with paint. Many are protesting this decision on social media.


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