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Know some unknown facts about Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan is a trained singer

The Dhaka Times Desk Jackie Chan! He is a favorite name for action movie fans. But not only for action, but also for acting skills, he has become famous around the world. Today there is some information about this popular actor.

  • Jackie Chan's real name is Chan Kong-san.
  • Jackie Chan knows a total of 7 languages.
  • He took a total of 2900 takes for a scene in the movie Dragon Lord.
  • Jackie Chan is a trained singer. He has released a total of 20 albums in 5 languages so far.
  • Chan was in his mother's womb for 12 months.
  • Chan's mother was an opium smuggler and father was a detective.
  • He made his film debut as a stuntman in a Bruce Lee movie.
  • According to Jackie's decision, her son will not inherit any property.
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