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From now on, the number 6 fingers can be put on the hand!

The thumb is placed under the little finger. This device can be controlled wirelessly with foot wearable sensors

The Dhaka Times Desk Medical science is constantly advancing. This time, such a news has shocked everyone. From now on, the number 6 fingers can be put on the hand! It is said that this can be done through surgery.

এখন থেকে হাতে লাগানো যাবে ৬ নম্বর আঙ্গুলও! 1

According to media reports, Danny Clode, a product design student at London's Royal Academy in the UK, was the first to introduce the concept of the thumb. He called his 3D-printed 'third thumb' an extension of the human hand.

He said, 'It is an extension of addition and growth to the human body, as well as a good way to develop the human body and artificial technology.'

The thumb is placed under the little finger. This device can be controlled wirelessly with foot wearable sensors.

'He was really fascinated by this idea of augmenting the human body using artificial organs,' said student Danny Clode. He says, 'I really like the idea of using artificial technology to augment the human body instead of fixing or replacing it.'

Danny Clode also stated that there are no plans to copyright or market Third Thumb.

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