Categories: Picturesque

A royal dog 'first dog' story!

The Dhaka Times Desk Perhaps no one thought that the luck of the dog could be so good. But it really happened. What is called the royal dog! The new president of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, adopted this dog as a pet, which was lucky to be an animal shelter!

According to a report by BBC Online, an announcement was made in this regard from the 'Blue House', the official residence of the president in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

The Blue House's Facebook page features a black dog named Tori. That dog has been introduced as the country's new 'first dog'!

Moon Jae-in made promises on animal rights during the election campaign. Adoption of this dog is believed to pave the way for its implementation.

It is known that the president of South Korea adopted this four-year-old dog as a pet from a group called Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE).

The country's state news agency Yonhap said a dog from an animal shelter became the country's 'First Dog' for the first time.

CARE has been vocal against the consumption of dog meat in various Asian countries. By adopting Tori as a pet, President Moon is believed to be sending a strong message to dog meat traders.

It is reported that Care rescued Tori from a dog meat farm about two years ago. No owner could be found for him. This is because South Korea has a religious reformation with black dogs.

It should be noted that the president's adoption of a dog as a pet from the shelter is seen as a strong support of the ruling government for the country's animal rights.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১, ২০১৮ 12:43 pm

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