Categories: recipe

Recipe: Hilsa Fish Eggs

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes, 'fish king hilsa'. Indeed it is. Nothing can be better than hilsa fish. And if it is hilsa fish eggs, there is no other word. Today's recipe has Hilsa fish egg cooking for you. Find out how.


  • # Elisha eggs (two fish eggs)
  • One cup of # onion flakes
  • # 4 raw chilies
  • # pepper powder half teaspoon
  • # cumin powder half teaspoon
  • # Yellow powder half teaspoon
  • # oil 5/6 tbsp
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • 1TP to 5T of water (depending on how the broth will be)
  • Method of preparation:

    First, wash the eggs with water. Then cut into small cubes. Now fry it with oil and onion in a kadai or fry pan for some time. Then stir a little with green chillies, chilli powder, cumin powder, turmeric powder, salt and eggs. Then cover with half a cup of water. After keeping it for a while, when the water dries up, remove it. Now arrange on the table and serve.

    Recipe written by: Laila Haque

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    This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৭, ২০২৪ 10:53 am

    Laila Haque

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