Categories: Science-invention

Planning to run on environmentally friendly fuel

The Dhaka Times Desk Various countries around the world are going to adopt the plan to drive cars in the future on environmentally friendly fuel. For that reason various steps are being taken.

Fossil fuels such as diesel, natural gas and coal are the main sources of energy in the entire world today. Their contribution to human civilization is also extensive. From the village hut to the transport system of modern civilization - it plays a role everywhere. But the disappointing thing is that the use of fossil fuel is causing environmental pollution very much. Fossil fuels used to run motor vehicles, airplanes, ships, trains emit carbon dioxide. Emissions from motor vehicles and factories are causing global warming. If this continues, this world will become uninhabitable at some point.

Many countries are therefore turning to green energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Meanwhile, the UK, India, Norway and France as well as several other countries have announced that they want to reduce dependence on gas and diesel. These countries are going to emphasize on making electric and hybrid cars instead of fossil fuels. The United Kingdom, China, the United States, Japan, Canada, Norway, Germany, India, Sweden and the Netherlands have expressed their commitment to green energy. 95 percent of the electric vehicles produced in the world are sold in the above 10 countries.

Britain recently said that they want to withdraw from the production of gas and diesel cars by 2040 to protect the country from environmental pollution. By 2050, no diesel vehicles will be on the road. At that time, all vehicles should be kept at zero level of pollution. Britain's environment secretary, Mitchell Gove, said there is no alternative to new technologies to combat pollution. Diesel and petrol will be banned as fuel in future. Stephanie Brinley, senior analyst at IHS Markets, said that to get out of this system, politicians must first have the will. If the government makes a law, the car manufacturers will be forced to accept it.

A few days before this, a similar announcement was made by France. France will stop the production of gas-diesel cars by 2040, keeping in mind the warning of global warming. After that time, automakers will only be able to sell electric or other green fuel vehicles.

Nicolas Hulot, the head of France's Committee on Environmental Change, said that only 4 percent of France's total vehicles rely on electric, hybrid and alternative fuels. But promisingly, 25 percent of the total cars sold in the first three months of this year were green fuel vehicles. This is proof that awareness is being created among people. At the same time, the production of green fuel-based cars is coming forward. Due to this goal setting, the French car manufacturers are also able to lead the world market in the pioneer.

India is also thinking about the same thing. From the side of India, it has been said that by 2030 every car in India should be powered by electricity. We need to think about these issues in our country from now on.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৭ 10:09 pm

Staff reporter

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