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Parents are concerned about 4 million young Saudi girls who have passed the age of marriage!

Family members of 4 million young women in Saudi Arabia are spending time in worry

The Dhaka Times Desk Their parents are worried about 4 million Saudi girls who have passed the age of marriage! Recently such information has appeared in the media. In Saudi Arabia, 4 million young women are of marriageable age, but their parents are unable to marry them.

বিয়ের বয়স পেরিয়ে যাওয়া ৪০ লাখ সৌদি তরুণীদের নিয়ে অভিভাবকদের উৎকণ্ঠা! 1

In such a situation, the family members of 4 million young women in Saudi Arabia are spending time in worry, according to media reports. Many families in the country are now worried about the future of girls. Saudi Arabia's national daily Al-Riyadh published this information citing a statistic.

According to the data, in 2015, the number of young women of marriageable age in Saudi Arabia reached 4 million. Chief among the most worrying issues in the country is the passing of marriageable age by young women. The data mentions that the number of unmarried young women is increasing at an alarming rate.

The imam of a mosque in Al-Asha City, Saudi Arabia. Ahmed Albo Ali said in this regard, the number of women who have passed the normal age of marriage was only 1.5 million in 2005. In 2015, this number jumped to 4 million. This means that two-thirds of young Saudi women over the age of 30 are neither married nor married in the last 10 years.

Imam Dr. Ahmed Albo Ali also said, 'Islam has given full rights to widows and divorced women; They can marry again if they want. But the unfortunate thing is that many men want to marry such a girl; Who has never been married before. Due to which widows and divorced women are also not getting a chance to remarry. That is why the number of women in Saudi Arabia who are past the age of marriage is gradually increasing.

According to one information, widows or divorced women have no crime. But in many cases, the level of awareness about marriage is much higher among widowed or divorced women than those who did not get married for the first time. Many divorced women have remarried and are now happily married.

Muhammad Al-Salim, Director of Al-Wyoun City Family Development Center, told the media that divorced women are viewed differently in Arab society; There are also social prejudices in many areas. A social stigma is attached to divorced women. Divorced women are blamed by many for house breakups. Bad thoughts and comments are also made about them. Those concerned also think that these problems need to be overcome.

It should be noted that the Saudi authorities also provide great opportunities for expatriates due to the increase in the number of marriageable women. It is said that Saudi women will be given monthly salary and pension only if they marry. It is said that if an expatriate marries a Saudi woman, he can enjoy salary benefits including pension.

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