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Symphony's foreign travel offer on the occasion of Eid

After purchasing the handset, customers will have to enter a message from its SIM. The return message will let you know which offer he won

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's popular handset maker Symphony has offered foreign travel offers on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.

ঈদ উপলক্ষ্যে সিম্ফনির বিদেশ ভ্রমণ অফার 1

Bangladesh's number one smartphone brand Symphony has launched a new customer offer called 'Eid Offer' last Thursday.

Under this offer, customers can get foreign travel package, free handset or free mobile recharge up to 1000 taka if they purchase any handset of Symphony.

Symphony Z-9 comes with a backpack, Z-8 comes with a power bank, Symphony Z-7 comes with a T-shirt and Symphony P-9 comes with a Bluetooth speaker.

It has been informed that after purchasing the handset, customers will have to give a message from its SIM. Then the return message will let you know which offer he won.

The rules for sending messages are: Go to the message option and send the first 15-digit IMEI number (number of the purchased handset) to 6969. You will know the prize won in the return message.

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