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The story of a 28-year-old female 'billionaire' CEO! Here are 3 tips for success

Just as his life story inspires us, it also inspires hope in thousands of young minds

The Dhaka Times Desk Today there is a story of a woman who became a 'billionaire' CEO at the age of 28! This different millionaire woman is Malaysian.

২৮ বছরের এক নারী 'বিলিয়নিয়ার' সিইওর গল্প! রয়েছে সফলতার জন্য ৩টি পরামর্শ 1

This Malaysian woman has been crowned 'billionaire' at the age of 28. Just as his life story inspires us, it also inspires hope in thousands of young minds.

The name of this successful woman is Chrissy Tan. His total financial assets are 820 million to 1.9 billion Malaysian rupees! Chrisis is an investor by profession. Apart from this, it also has another identity, and that is 'Berjaya Times Square, Malaysia's largest intercity shopping mall. His father's name is Tan Sri Vincent Tan. Mr. Vincent Tan is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Birjaya Group. Chrysis is the eldest of eleven siblings.

Krisis prefers to spend time with friends. When not doing that he spends time with family in Portofino or Italy. He enjoys 18-course meals at various restaurants.

Recently, Krisis got engaged to Nasimuddin, son of another millionaire. Nasimuddin's father is the founder of Naja Group, a famous company in Malaysia.

According to a Chinese newspaper, they met while studying at an international university. Krisis is quite popular on the social media platform 'Instagram' for her extravagant lifestyle. Chrissy travels in nothing but private jets, helicopters, and Rolls Royce cars. Chrissy's parties are in Bali, Indonesia, she shops in Beverly Hills. But Chrissy often travels to Tokyo for lunch!

২৮ বছরের এক নারী 'বিলিয়নিয়ার' সিইওর গল্প! রয়েছে সফলতার জন্য ৩টি পরামর্শ 2

Chrissy's bio on Instagram reads, 'I want to travel the whole world'. But it is true. The reason is that he is walking on the path of fulfilling his dreams. He follows 3 mantras to achieve success in life:

1. Know your strengths and use them to succeed.
2. Always invest your precious time in right people.
3. Travel extensively to open up new possibilities.

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