The Dhaka Times Desk This time the news of a wonderful camera has shocked everyone. A digital camera of 3200 megapixels is going to be unveiled!
This 3200 megapixel digital camera is going to be unveiled very soon. It is said that this camera will be used in space research. Dark energy is an exciting topic for those who study space. This mysterious gravitational force is spread throughout the universe. In 1998, scientists realized that our universe is expanding at a very fast pace. That's exactly where scientists are interested.
Space scientists from different institutions have come together from different parts of the world to build a new telescope. Scientists from 23 countries are involved in this project. This camera will search for 'dark energy' in infinite space. It is named 'Large Synoptic Survey Telescope' (LSST).
This monstrous digital camera will be placed on Earth. This huge megapixel camera will take pictures of different galaxies millions of light years away.
Paul O'Connor, a senior researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory, told Atlas Obscure that, in fact, this camera is more powerful than any camera built before the discovery of dark energy. It is hoped that this new camera will be able to find hidden dark matter in space.
It is known that researcher Paul O'Connor has been working on this project for the past 10 years. He thinks that there will be a radical change in the way of thinking about the universe.
It is known that the sensor of this camera is a huge 3200 megapixels! So as we can see a star in the sky with open eyes, that camera can see 100 million times more clearly than that.
This camera is 3 meters long. Its height is 1.65 meters. The weight of this camera is 2800 kg! A larger camera has never been built for space exploration. Through this it will be possible to catch light near the wavelength of ultraviolet rays or infrared rays. This huge megapixel camera is expected to start working from 2019.